My grandmother always told me that the secret to healthy and radiant skin always lies with mother nature. It is mother nature who knows best. Somewhere as we grow up we tend to forget their wise words. Something similar happened to me too. My life became hectic as I grew up. The time for home care for my skin and decreased further. I started trying to replicate the goodness I got from natural products with chemical products. How wrong was I. I started to lose hope until I discovered CBD oil.
CBD is extracted from the leaves of the plant and hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of this plant. It’s minimal ingredients prove that it’s an absolute natural remedy for the skin.
Since CannaBliss skincare oil is a CBD oil, it contains cannabinoids that help in making our skin better. CBD oil is perfectly natural and safe to be taken orally or applied.
What does CBD Oil contain?
The primary component of CBD oil is Raw cannabis extract, CBD seed oil and Argan Oil. They are rich in linoleic acid and oleic acid. It has a very well balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 balance. It has also 20 amino acids which are needed for healthy skin and hair. It is also one of those few oils which have all 9 essential amino acids. This oil is rich in antioxidants and has a high ratio of minerals and vitamins like Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Potassium.
How to use CBD oil?
It is extremely safe to consume. CBD Oil is best consumed on an empty stomach and raw. The nutty and earthy and umami flavour makes it great for dressings etc.
While I am not that adventurous with my food, I did buy CBD oil from Indian CBD Organics to use on my skin. The oil can be used as a massage oil for the skin. It can also be used as a face cleanser.
Just Pump out some oil on your face and gently massage it. Best to apply it before you sleep at night after washing your face.
Of all the oils, why did I choose CBD oil?
We all know the importance of Omega fatty 3 and 6 acids, what we don’t know is that we really don’t get products that are highly rich in them. CBD is one such natural oil.
The benefits of CBD oil are –
- Anxiety Relief- It decreases heart rate, changes the serotonin receptors in the brain, therefore, alleviating stress, improves PTSD symptoms, helps fight insomnia
- It has a well balanced and ideal amount of fatty acids and amino acids. CBD oil also has GLA which helps regulate hormones. Thus, CBD oil is extremely beneficial to alleviate and reduce premenstrual syndrome in women.
- It helps in protecting the neurological setup and fights against neurodegenerative diseases.
- They help in pain management in some cases.
- When ingested orally, it helps regulate the digestive juices. It also helps in releasing hormones that promote digestive health in the body and regulates digestion.
- CBD oil is rich in lipids. These lipids hold a lot of moisture in them. Thus, CBD oil is an excellent source of moisture for the skin and moisturises it well.
- Most cosmetic companies try and create linoleic and oleic acid in a lab. They can never replicate the real ones. CBD oil helps reduce ageing and fights all signs of ageing and thin lines etc.
- It has extremely high anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help in fighting common skin infections and conditions like eczema, rashes and acne.
My experience with CBD oil
I bought myself a CBD oil for Indian CBD Organic for my skin. Initially, I was very sceptical as to how my skin would respond to it. I did a patch test of the Indian CBD Organic CBD Oil. It didn’t cause any issues. Then I started using a few drops of it on my face as a part of my skincare routine.
Gradually, with time I started feeling a marked difference. First I saw a decrease in my acne breakout. Even the slightest stress or eating out would cause breakouts on my face. After I started using CBD oil my acne fears reduced.
Any changes in weather used to cause redness, itchiness, scaly patches. That started reducing. It used to only get better with medicines.
My sensitive skin has got a new boon of life. Indian CBD Organics have cold-pressed oil, which has been pressed by steel. It is free of any impurity, adulteration and any additive in colour. The purity is unlike any other oil that I have seen.
If one were to ask me, I’d say this non-GMO, organically grown, cold-pressed CBD oil is the end of any skin woes.
So based on my experience, I would ask you to go back to your roots. Go natural. Use natural. Our grandmothers weren’t wrong.
You can use my code “AISHWARYA” and get a 10% discount on any product during the lifetime when you shop here –

I used CBD oil years back when I was in USA and yes it helps a lot. I thought that it is banned in India. Obviously cbd oil had always been helpful for me so I’ll check it out!
CDB oil is new for me. I haven’t heard about it but after you have describe its benefit so well that I will definitely like to check it out.
There is a lot of confusion and myths surrounding the use of CBD oil. Your post serves to set things straight. CBD oil is known to have many curative properties and medicinal uses. Sandy N Vyjay
I have heard about CBD oil but first time read it in details.
Your experience makes it easy to decide & I would like to try it.
I had a strong misconception about CBD oil and its usage. This post has shared very good details about the product and how it is used for various skincare, haircare, and even for consumption orally.
Wow first time I am reading so much detailed about CB D oil otherwise there is a lot of confusion and myths surrounding the use of CBD oil, thank you for sharing full details
Wow this is some new information to me. This was really informative about the uses and benefits of CBD oil.
What a lovely and informative review Aishwarya. I’m not an expert on CBD oil but I can tell that you definitely know a lot! I’m ordering this non-GMO, organically grown, and cold-pressed CBD oil today. Hopefully, it will put an end to all my skin woes as well.
Wow I did not know that CBD oil was available in India. I had heard a lot about them when I visited Netherlands and I know the process they are made of and the benefits they have medicinally. This is good to know.
It is amazing to know that we can get CBD oil in India now. I have heard about it a lot and would love to give it a try for sure.
Thanks for sharing this. I didn’t know you could use it in skincare as well.. I will check this one out. Seems quite useful.
Never heard about this oil before. You shared every required detail to trust this product. I would love to try this one if I get this in my location.
I was unaware of the goodness of the CBDoil and all the positivity it can bring in the skin care routine. Shall check whether it suits my skin type or not as I am always skeptical to us any new oil.
This is such an informative post Aishwarya. While I have heard about so many oils, hearing about CBD oils is a first.. And since you have covered about CBD oil in detail, it actually educates the readers and urges one to try this oil. Thanks for an enlightening post.
No matter how much we think ourselves to advance but our grandmother has the best solution be it anything. When it comes to hair oil they had the best solution for any problem. Glad to know about this oil and the results .