I Tried the #dontrushchallenge and it was extremely fun ! A Bunch of bloggers created this video for fun against the make up challenge ! This is a fun and relaxing version of the same !
bangalorebangalore bloggerBangalore Fashion Bloggerbangalore influencerBangalore Lifestylebangalorebloggerbloggerbloggerstylechangechange intocleaningdont rush challengehousehow tohow to be a bloggerhow to styleIndiaIndian BloggerIndian fashion bloggerlockdownmopingpyjama stylepyjamasquarantine periodquarantine queensrelax
I am a crazy chic next door; who likes to jump into anything new related to fashion, art, style even gardening! A versatile person and a deep thinker, I am a Fashion, Textile and a Graphic designer. Oh! I am a cartoonist too, a wanderer and a big foodie. So my love for art and everything beautiful took me into the field of designing and here I am travelling everywhere possible and hogging everything delicious. No I don’t diet.
This looks like a great video. Seems you have utilized quarantine time creatively
This is so nicely done. Kudos to all the bloggers who participated. Very creative I must say! The music is also catchy
That was a fun video, I enjoyed watching it. The editing looks very sharp and neatly done.
These quarantine challenge videos are really saving us. Totally enjoyed your challenge video , you nailed it . hope to see more.
The video is really lovely. Throughout this lockdown I hardly got the chance to do anything fun.
Such an amazing video this is! So glad to know you are spending the lockdown time so well.
This is fun video.. I enjoyed watching it..please make more video like this