Did you know that 68 Billion Square Metres of clothing was produced in India in 2018? But have you ever wondered where does it end up after? Yes… in the bin!
We often talk about recycling plastic and saving trees but what about fashion? Sustainable fashion is still not popular in India and needs to be embraced more. Exchange Room, Bengaluru started an initiative in 2014 to help recycle fashion and thus promote sustainable fashion.
If you are wondering what happens at an Exchange Room event, here’s all the dope:
- If you have a wardrobe full of clothes and shoes but hardy wear any, bring them to the event. You can then swap it with someone who likes yours and you like theirs.
- If you have nothing to swap, you can still come. They have a lot of pop up stores where you can buy for a good price. Trust me, they have a lovely collection and not just another mass collection.
- Here’s the best part! You get to socialize, meet like-minded people, have fun, gossip and shop!
Who can resist this offer? Not me, and neither should you!
I am a sucker for new clothes and my wardrobe is often flooded. There are some tops and dresses that I haven’t even wore once but it’s too hard to say goodbye to them. But, Exchange Room has made this process way easier and fun for me.
When I first walked into the event, I was nervous and wondered whether anybody will like the clothes I got to swap. But, it got swapped in no time and I ended up making a bunch of friends as well.
And, you too can be a part of this event. All you have to do is make sure the clothes you bring are in a good condition. Nobody likes soiled and torn clothes.
If this idea of swapping, excites you then come along. Bring out those clothes you have shoved in your wardrobe and let’s save the planet, one swap at a time. Say goodbye to junk fashion and make space for sustainable fashion.
For more information, you can check out their Facebook and Instagram: