For some reason if you guys do decide to read my blog if All of you might be know that I’m not a person who likes pastels at all, even though people say it looks great on me but I feel that, it makes me look dark and dull. You know why I have that conception in mind?

As a young girl, I used to paint a lot, and if you have read my blogpost, you would know that I used to go to a lot of painting competitions. From the age of 3 my parents have always said wear bright colours, use bright colours. And Now I know why I love bright bold pop colours. Is that the only influence?  No, obviously being a south Indian Brahmin Kid we used to go to temples a lot, and what would you see? Loads and loads of silk sarees in vibrant colours, and obviously that has been imbibed into my head.

To be extremely frank, white is kind of an omen, not used much since its used for funerals, and Even Blacks for some reason, I’m still yet to figure that out, though. My parents have not yet explained to me why black is not good. But I like black, I’m sure many of you like it too!

So now you know why I don’t like anything that’s remotely close to whites which are pastels. But this particular Kurta is very dear to my heart, As when I was working in Abof, we all had sat together and worked on Theme boards and mood boards. This particular one was beautiful, It was created by one of my colleague who is more into Indian crafts and crochet.

This particular block print concept, even though it had whites, I like the blues. I am a sucker for blue colour. All my home décor is blue. The pallazo is designed by me, it is influenced by beautiful indigo prints. You guys must have seen me a lot in Pallazos and Full pants, but pants which are really loose. You know the secret behind it ? I don’t like getting waxed. Yes  please one of you ladies tell me who likes going to to so much pain! I know, I know its important, But some of us have really thick hair and it pains. Therefore I find new ways to wear clothes when not waxed, and yet look stylish and turn people’s heads.

This particular combination of kurta and pallazo has been my favorite since a long long time. The other reason being, you don’t have to worry about the how deep the neck is, Or how tightly its sticking to the body. Also, since it’s a pallazo, when it’s really hot, you don’t have to worry about the sticky legging, and how it look through the side slits. Damn! So many answers solved.

Also, even though I had Turquoise hair, It camouflaged with my outfit, and none of the aunties noticed something weird !  that’s a brownie points isn’t it?

This was the best outfit which, I wore to all the local markets when you have to roam around in the sun and have no energy left to make sure if your dress is perfect.

Let me make a list of Pros of this outfit.
  1. Not waxed – nobody will get to know
  2. Ethnic wear – all the aunties + relatives will be shocked how sanskari you have become
  3. Coloured hair – Common they won’t notice as you are wearing Ethnic wear.
  4. Local shopping – It will be a cake walk, why you can bargain to your hearts content, the vendor wont show attitude looking at your attire
  5. Hot Weather – Its so comfortable, cotton & flex, that you won’t even know when your sweat has evaporated
  6. Pastels – For all you lovely ladies who like pastels it’s a boon, and for the rest of you like me the pallazo is Royal blue in colour, which is a win win !

  1. What I wore :

    Kurta – – Rs1299

    Pallazo – – Rs899

    Chappals – Colaba – Rs300

    Hand cuff – Sarojni – Rs100

    Glasses – Colaba – RS100

    Hope you guys liked, my tips and tricks !


I am a crazy chic next door; who likes to jump into anything new related to fashion, art, style even gardening! A versatile person and a deep thinker, I am a Fashion, Textile and a Graphic designer. Oh! I am a cartoonist too, a wanderer and a big foodie. So my love for art and everything beautiful took me into the field of designing and here I am travelling everywhere possible and hogging everything delicious. No I don’t diet.


  1. Prettysush Reply

    Such a beautiful outfit this is perfect for summer looks so comfortable .I also prefer plazzo during hot weather and cotton material gives cooling feeling too by the way I just love your hair colour looks so gorgeous on you

  2. This is indeed a useful post. I struggle at times to figure out what to wear when I am not waxed.

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